Word International School of Leadership (WISL)
Word International School of Leadership (WISL) is an educational institution, registered in the State of New York, not-for profit 501©3, which offers various courses in Biblical study, Christianity and practical ministry. The interest is to work hand-in-hand with churches and to open up a dialogue on how we can better proclaim the message of Christ in today’s fast-paced society. Many faithful believers would love to teach or preach in the church and do mission fields outside, but don’t know what to do and how to start. In today’s world, many Christian leaders are not innovating the church but imitating other churches, that ends up to disappointments and ministerial frustrations.
The goal of WISL is to improve the leadership skills and qualifications of pastors and leaders of the church in a complex society that we know today which is highly technical. Specialized, innovative and interconnected. This is the world into which we are to bring the message of hope and the knowledge of God.
Our prospective students are pastors, assistance pastors, cell leaders, ministry heads, missionaries, and the like, that need Biblical and theological advancement of their skills and ministerial focus.
WISL offers the following courses that lead the degree program of Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies (AABS), as follows:
- Old Testament Survey
- New Testament Survey
- Hermeneutics
- Homiletics
- Church History
- Systematic Theology
- Spiritual Formation, Christian Ethics, & Church Leadership
- Missions, Evangelism & Church Planting
The number of hours to complete each course are 32 hours or 2 hours per meeting for 16 meetings including lectures, discussions, practicum and exams. Classes shall be conducted in church’s facilities, or in one of the member’s house, weekly or bi-weekly. Materials and other books are provided in soft copies. The unique feature of WISL is that, the school goes to the students, instead of the students going to the Bible School.
The expected result of WISL to each student is fruit that will last as mentioned by the good Lord in John 15:16. Since this leadership study is a collaboration between school and the church, the goal is not focused on rational consensus in doctrinal construction, but to provide authentic worship and service both to God and to fellow men, not in an abstract way but in practical ministry. These means are totalistic, and the study should be part of every activity and conveys a way of life.
Students are envisioned not only to be effective and successful in the ministry, but also a transformed individual into the image of Christ. They will both learn and employ the acquired spiritual and Biblical knowledge by deepening their commitment to Christ, and become competent to live out faith in their knowledge, emotion and action. That all of these understanding must be dedicated to the glory of God.
Students are expected to form, organize and lead a new group of believers at the end of the program, that will lead to the growth not only of the local church but of the kingdom of God as well.
Instructors are highly qualified and graduates from known Universities, Seminaries and Bible Schools in the country. They have many years of experience in education, pastoral and practical ministries, counseling, and missions in various parts of the world.
Old Testament Survey: Tuesdays and Saturdays.